Job Seeker

DASH CAREER FOX PVT LTD is an established player in HR domain. We are trained professionals with 20 years of corporate experience and have guided and helped thousands of aspiring candidates to polish their interview skills and getting jobs with World’s Best Organizations and are successfully employed.

We strongly believe that every individual is unique and has the potential to reach the top of the world.

It has been observed that candidates do not know what to prepare and how to prepare for an interview. They go with half preparation and leave everything to GOD.

Cracking an interview and negotiating desired salary is an art. Usually people have education, skills and answers to many questions, still they mess up in the interview rounds and they are not even aware about what went wrong. An interview can be stressful, painful and full of rejection OR it can be a peaceful, pleasant and successful experience. It depends on how well prepared you are in advance.

We help you to prepare and present yourself well. By doing this, you not only achieve success but also get selected at a better salary as compared to your competitors facing that interview. The module also covers how to select the right company and job profile for yourself to give a kick start to your career and keep the growth opportunities open for further growth.

Nobody does it better than the way we do it.


Our expert advisers provide you with the information, advice and guidance you need to help you take control of your learning and working life and to improve your skills.

  • Our team is enthusiastic, capable and trained to provide individual assistance. They aim to empower you to choose your career moves smartly and learning choices. They aim to inspire and motivate you.
  • Our expert advisers can help you to explore best career options for you, choosing a company and role that can give you a platform for continuous learning and growth for long term benefit and ultimately getting more job satisfaction.

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