
Recruitment Process Outsourcing”’ is a form of business process outsourcing where an employer outsource or transfer all or part of its recruitment activities to an external service provider.

DASH Consultant’s RPO division intends to manage the entire recruiting activities.

This includes,

  • On boarding of the new hire
  • Human Resource staff management
  • Technology, method and reporting

We intend to improve our client’s time to hire, increase the quality of the candidate pool, provide verifiable metrics, reduce cost and improve governmental compliance.

We claim to offer our client improvement in “Quality and Cost, Service and Speed”.


* Quality and Cost – We claim that leveraging enables us to offer recruitment processes at lower cost while allowing us to operate as high-quality specialists. Those economies of scale and scope arise from a larger staff of recruiters, databases of candidate resumes, and investment in recruitment tools and networks. We also work forth to change fixed investment costs into variable costs that flex with fluctuation in recruitment activity. Clients may choose to pay by transaction rather than by staff members and vise a versa, thus avoiding under-utilization or forcing costly layoffs of recruitment staff when activity is low.

* Service and Speed – Our relationship with our client is likely to be based on specific performance targets. With remuneration dependent on the attainment of such targets, we concentrate on the resources in the most effective way. Traditional internal recruitment teams are less likely to have such clearly defined performance targets and lacks specialized working.

Organizations with efficient hiring process are viewed as employers of choice by potential staff and such organizations will stand to gain benefits from DASH Consultant’s Recruitment Process Outsourcing Services.

Employee Referral Program Services

We provide recruitment solutions through running employee referral program that can be as simple as informally asking workers, “Do you know anyone who can fill this job?” Unfortunately, such simplistic approaches generally elicit the equally improvised response, I don’t know off the top of my head.”

It is necessary to add some structure to an employee referral program, communicate the benefits to employees, track the success of referred candidates, reward successful referrals and discourage low-quality referrals.

DASH Consultant’s employee referral program can provide the employer with a source of passive candidates — those employees who are not actively seeking new jobs. This not only expands the client’s pool of potential candidates but also tends to produce higher-quality candidates.

Candidates referred by employees also tend to be of higher quality because the referring employee’s active involvement. The usual monetary bonus paid to a referring employee for a successful referral can be a significant morale booster. It reinforces the tendency to refer high-quality candidates to one’s own company, even when no positions are available. This helps to establish an ongoing recruitment process.

Our employee referral programs can replace more expensive recruitment channels such as newspaper advertising, employment agencies and job fairs and so on.

Our employee referral programs are especially effective in the case of highly specialized positions that might be difficult to fill through conventional channels. People tend to associate with others in their professions, which gives them access to specialized or rare talent.

Explore more such options, hiring us as your “Preferred HR Advisory Service Provider.”

Payroll Management Services

To succeed in a world with greater time demands and leaner profit margins, we must find alternatives to the way we do business. One alternative is to simplify our work environment by outsourcing non core functions, such as payroll.

Whether you’re a one person company or a several hundred person company, time is always an issue. DASH Career Fox Pvt. Ltd. Payroll Management guarantees you will save time by reducing the hours spent producing payroll information and preparing payroll registers, quarterly, and year to date payroll reports. We will save you time by providing prompt preparation by eliminating time spent balancing and cross checking for errors.

Payroll Management can also help our clients avoid penalties for miscalculations by outsourcing the task to us.

Since no two businesses are alike, we offer individual solutions to payroll problems,

Allowing our clients to stay focused on their success.

Exit Management Services

We offer exit management services in order to put our clients back on their main stream business to attain structured bottom line profits.

Our Exit management services are ranging from full and final settlement handover to processing of employees documentation for withdrawal or transfer of statutory accumulated funds.

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